Currently browsing: Corporate Wellness

Planning a Corporate Wellness Program – Questions to Ask

There are so many different types of workplace wellness programs, it can be overwhelming deciding what works for your business. At the end of your wellness initiative, the goal is for your employees to think more about their health and make healthier decisions. When you put your employees’ needs at the center of your wellness [...]
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Encouraging Social Wellness at Work

What is Social Wellness? Humans naturally crave social connection. Familial bonds, close friendships and romantic relationships all play a part in maintaining healthy social connections in our lives. However, social wellbeing expands beyond just our close relationships. Social wellbeing is a sense of belonging to a community and making a contribution to society. It involves [...]
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Team Building & Your Step Challenge

A sense of team or community can make your workplace more fun and effective. A great way to build this is through a company wellness challenge. Here are three ways a wellness challenge can help your team beyond just the physical health benefits. Accountability In a fitness challenge, you want your employees to interact with [...]
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Prevent Disease with your Corporate Wellness Program

A new study has been released looking at the ways to increase your number of “disease-free years” as you age. The researchers analysed different combinations of lifestyle factors to see how they correlate with the number of disease-free years an individual has in their lifetime. What they found is that of 16 different lifestyle profiles [...]
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7 Steps to Mindfulness in the Workplace

Mindfulness in the workplace
Do you think of meditation when you hear the word mindfulness? There is a fine line that differentiates the two. Keeping your mind still without letting it wander for a limited time is known as meditation. Whereas mindfulness simply means being in the present moment, being aware of your surroundings and attending to what's happening [...]
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A Simple Guide to Creating your Corporate Wellness Initiative

create a corporate wellnes initiative
Not sure where to start with your company's wellness initiative? Follow this simple plan to start formulating some ideas and get the ball rolling! [tek_sectiontitle st_title="1. Survey Your Employees" st_title_tag="h2" st_subtitle_decoration="" st_separator_enable="separator_off" st_text_align="text-left" st_width="st_fullwidth"] Before you start any wellness program, it is important to figure out what your goals are. An easy way to do [...]
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Incorporate These 5 Types of Motivation into Your Corporate Wellness Challenge

If you are hoping to increase participation in your corporate wellness program, you need to understand how your team members are motivated. Since everyone is motivated in different ways, it’s important to incorporate different types of motivation into your company fitness challenge. We will go over some of the main types of motivation and how [...]
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3 Benefits of Having A Company Fitness Challenge

Corporate Wellness builds teams
Having a wellness challenge for your employees is one of the smartest things you can do as an employer. Having happy, healthy employees means they are better equipped to handle their jobs. Here are three big benefits your employees will gain from your wellness initiative. [tek_sectiontitle st_title="1. Reduced Stress Levels" st_title_tag="h2" st_subtitle_decoration="" st_separator_enable="separator_off" st_text_align="text-left" st_width="st_fullwidth"] [...]
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Caring for Remote Employees’ Wellbeing: Part 3 Mental Health

Improve Remote Workers Mental Health
This blog post is a part of a series on caring for your remote employees' wellbeing. We think this is especially important with the rise in remote working due to COVID-19. To read part 1 of this series focusing on social connection, click here. To read part 2 of this series focusing on physical health, [...]
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Caring for Remote Employees’ Wellbeing: Part 2 Physical Health

Improve Remote Workers Physical Health
This blog post is a part of a series on caring for your remote employees' wellbeing. We think this is especially important with the rise in remote working due to COVID-19. To read part 1 of this series focusing on social connection, click here. [tek_sectiontitle st_title="Good Physical Health" st_title_tag="h2" st_subtitle_decoration="subtitle-text-underline" st_separator_enable="separator_off" st_text_align="text-left" st_width="st_fullwidth"] Discussing the [...]
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