Currently browsing: Corporate Wellness

Corporate Wellness Programs

Employee engagement is crucial to sustaining a strong wellness program. Well-being at organisations is rapidly evolving since the pandemic eased about a year ago. Employers are beginning to evaluate their well-being offerings to see if they are moving the needle in regard to the health and well-being of their employees. Essentially, this involves understanding the […]

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Preventing and overcoming “The Great Resignation”

The pandemic has redefined what really matters to many people. People have had months to rethink what work means to them, what it means to be valued, and how they want to contribute to society. Whether the “Great Resignation” has already affected your company or not, here are immediate steps you can take to minimise […]

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How to Recognise Poor Wellbeing and Avoid Employee Burnout

It’s fair to say that wellness is on the agenda for most employers today. There’s nothing like a global pandemic and a worldwide halt to gym attendance to highlight its far-reaching value. A healthy mind and body help us perform in all aspects of life. Poor well-being has serious implications. It can manifest in physical […]

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Five Popular Employee Benefits

The modern worker is looking for more than just fiduciary remuneration in their ideal job. When considering additional employee benefits, it is important to tailor a benefits package to the individual employee as they have different wants and needs. Here are five different ways to build out an employee benefits package to meet the needs […]

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Health and Wellness in a Web 3 World

Wellness is the future of the internet. As we move into the next generation of technology, a focus on wellness has become increasingly important. We are moving from a society based solely on consumption to one where people value health, happiness, and fulfillment. The divides between IRL and online are blurring, and people won’t accept […]

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The Seven Dimensions of Wellbeing

Research shows that a balance among the Seven Dimensions of well-being leads to a fuller, more satisfying life. The Seven Dimensions include Physical, Emotional, Social, Spiritual, Intellectual, Environmental, and Occupational health. Physical Wellness: Move more, eat well This dimension of well-being focuses on practicing healthy daily habits. It encompasses a variety of healthy behaviours including […]

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Wellness in a Post-Pandemic World

Remote working and flexible work arrangements have become common during the COVID-19 crisis. As companies adopt new methods of working, well-being has become an increasingly important topic for them. As people are working remotely, it is becoming increasingly difficult for leaders to identify early warning signs that someone might be struggling and aren’t able to […]

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Move to Earn + Corporate Wellness

Between the 22nd and 23rd of June, 2022, Australia’s corporate leaders and wellness advocates came together to shine a light on employees’ health, well-being, and safety. The importance of physical and mental health, and the responsibility of employers to help employees maintain it, is finally considered commonplace. As a leader in the move to earn […]

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A Mentally Healthy Workforce

On average, people will spend approximately 90,000 hours of time working during their lifetime. That’s a lot of time on the clock, giving employers a good reason to maintain a healthy work environment. Nobody wants to be unhappy at work. A positive workplace culture helps shape an employee’s mindset about health in various different aspects. […]

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Rewards to Use for Your Employee Wellness Program

An important part of any corporate wellbeing program or wellness challenge is the rewards or incentives you provide for your employees. Using the right rewards to motivate employees not only increases participation rates but also may help employees keep up their healthy habits after your program ends.  Instead of one grand prize, it’s better to [...]
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