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What is the purpose and value of PUML Coin and $PUMLx

PUML Coins and $PUMLx Tokens

PUML is the sole token that the entire in-app ecosystem is built off of. The in-game only token enables users to access every experience within the app (classes + challenges) as well as our in-app purchases. PUML acts as a bridge between the Web2 and Web3 world – it enables those who are not Web3 native to participate in the PUML app; it’s closer to a Web2 game token, rather than a cryptocurrency/asset.

With this in mind, PUML has infinite supply, no intrinsic value and no tradeability. Eventually, once a user has earned enough PUML and is either Web3 native or has experienced enough of the PUML ecosystem to build their Web3 confidence, they may choose to redeem their PUML for $PUMLx.

$PUMLx is PUML’s ecosystem’s utility token (and eventually will become a governance token) which is tradeable and has intrinsic value tied to it (Learn more about $PUMLx – $PUMLx will further unlock DeFi incentives and rewards for the wider PUML ecosystem.


  • Game coin used to reward in the App
  • Access classes, challenges, tip users, etc.
  • Act as a bridge between the Web2 and Web3 world.
  • Infinite supply
  • Redeem PUML to receive $PUMLx


  • Access to staking rewards, asset swapping, and more
  • Ability to purchase PUML sponsored or created NFTs
  • Speculative, market tradeable
  • Governance (coming soon)
  • Max supply 500Mil

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